Funding Options

There are a number of funding options available depending on your child’s individual situation

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS is a national funding scheme available to support eligible people with a disability, including children. The scheme aims to connect people and their families with supports in their community, maximise participation and independence, and improve outcomes and quality of life. Access to funding for therapy services and equipment comprises a significant part of this scheme.

Our therapists at Kidiotherapy can support you and your child through the process of accessing the NDIS. Once NDIS has been obtained we are able to provide supports for your child if they have a self-managed or plan-managed plan.

You can find out more about the NDIS here.

Private Health Funds

Kidiotherapy is registered with all private health insurance providers. If your child is part of a private health fund with an appropriate level of cover, you may be eligible for a rebate for some of the cost of appointments. All health insurance providers are different in the level of rebate that they provide, so please check with your individual health insurance provider as to what is available for your child. We will provide you with a receipt after payment for the appointment which you can then use to claim back through your health insurance fund.

Chronic Disease Management Plans (CDMP)

Kidiotherapy is a registered provider with Medicare.  Some children with chronic conditions may be eligible for a CDMP which provides a rebate through Medicare for some of the cost of appointments. This type of plan has to be completed by your General Practitioner as they will determine eligibility and complete the appropriate paperwork. You will need to bring this paperwork with you to the initial appointment.  We will provide you with a receipt after payment for the appointment which you can then use to claim back through Medicare.